βœ…Smart Vaults

Our tool was initially inspired by making a streamlined way for the DeGods sub-DAO DeApes to have a $DUST treasury where they could easily attribute contribution to their members. This idea evolved to

What Are Smart Vaults?

Smart vaults are wallets that are escrowed by a program (smart contract) that details parameters such as time-locking, token rewards, multi-wallet ownership, etc. These can be used in a array of ways to create interesting ways for teams and communities to interact with a common funding pool. Here we outline some of those ways.

Crowd Investments

These is a very simple way for a communities, DAOs, or a group of friends to make collective investments. It works in the following way:

Users can deposit funds, most likely SOL or USDC, and receive a token back in a quantity relative to their contribution. This token's circulating supply is equal and exactly relative to the amount of funds that have been contributed to the pool. Effectively creating a "proof-of-contribution" token.

The funds can then be managed by one or multiple individuals to make investments that will be held in the vault. These will most likely be SPL tokens, NFTs, or loans. The vault will display the total value that is in it and the total amount of tokens in circulation. By dividing the balance over the tokens in circulation, you have the token's value.

Users can exchange and search of liquidity in their tokens in the open market. There will be demand for these tokens as they are backed by the vault's assets, plus there's an incentive for the premium value.

DAOs, individuals, or communities, can then compete against each other to see who garners the better investing strategy. Users can then compare these trading organizations and decide to invest their own SOL or USDC to that pool.

IDO Services

We are planning on offering teams that are looking to raise funds through IDOs by building them an interface where users will be able to pledge in SOL or USDC in return for a placeholder token that works as a proof-of-contribution.

When the IDO time is over, then the vault opens up for users to exchange their placeholder token for the ICO token. The price of the ICO token will be determined by the total amount of ICO tokens that had been put on sale divided by the total amount of placeholder tokens distributed.

We're partnering with a legal services team to provide legal guidance for proper IDO execution in accordance to the law.

Mint Pledger Vault

A common problem that users face is minting times during work hours, early in the morning, or late at night. This tool allows for teams to open up a viable way for users to "reserve" their mint with virtually zero risk or in return for future rewards.

The tool works by opening a contract-escrowed wallet where users can deposit their funds in exchange for a future airdrop, WL spot, or any equivalent reward.

The Difference Between Pledging and Pre-Sale/Post Reveal

The wallet's contract will contain a time-lock function where the team will not be able to retrieve the funds until after a certain date. Usually this can be done during or post a successful sold-out project. Users are able to claim a refund before this locking period expires.

The Value For Future Mints and Current Teams

Teams receive value in the form of proof-of-concept for their project and to make sure that their WL spots are not being allocated wastefully.

The tool can work with any SPL token, so a team that is releasing a second generation mint, or other forms of future rewards, can provide extra utility to their token.

The Value For Users & Minters In The Ecosystem

Users are able to pledge a certain amount of SOL or SPL token without having to worry about holding a bag.

Last updated